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About WIRE Austin
We are the WIRE Austin team at SpyGlass Realty in Austin, Texas. The name WIRE is inspired by Women in Real Estate, as we are an all-female real estate team.
In 2018, we were recognized on Realtor magazine’s 30 Under 30 list, which features only 30 agents from around the United States under the age of 30. As well as one of Austin’s top producing teams.
What we’re passionate about is helping people learn how to use real estate as a wealth-building tool and a tool used in achieving financial freedom.
The way that we do that is by providing educational resources to our clients. We share advice and tips on all things real estate, whether you’re a first time home buyer, first time home seller, interested in investment properties, etc. We want to help inform and educate people on how to make the best real estate decisions.
We invite you to take a look around. We love questions, so if you have any, contact us and we would love to help!
Resources and Links
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Visit our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WIREAustinTeam/
View our current listings: https://www.spyglassrealty.com/wireaustin.ph